4 recommendations for a barrier-free staircase
In this article, we will look at the topic of barrier-free stairs. Here you will find 4 recommendations for making your staircase safer and barrier-free.
In this article, we will look at the topic of barrier-free stairs. Here you will find 4 recommendations for making your staircase safer and barrier-free.
With increasing age or due to illness, many people find that climbing stairs in their own home becomes more and more challenging. In this case, the purchase of a stairlift is often the solution. But what does a stairlift cost? In this article, we will look at what a stairlift is and what alternatives for stairlifts exist and at what price.
Contents In Norway, around 50 people die every year from falling down stairs. In addition, around 30,000 people require medical assistance after a hip fracture or other injury. These were the hard facts faced by students at the NTNU School of Entrepreneurship (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in 2012 and 2013. Halvor Wold
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