Home » avoiding falls in old age
60% of all falls happen at home and people of an advanced age are unfortunately over-represented. A fall increases the risk of needing care.
However, there are many helpful measures you can take to make your home safer so that you can live there for as long as possible, significantly improving your quality of life.
An important first step is to remove obstacles and tripping hazards. In this article, we look at five suitable measures you can take to prevent falls in your own home as you get older.
A fall and the possible long-term consequential damage or injuries can have a huge impact on quality of life.
Those affected are often very restricted in their mobility after a serious fall and, in the worst case, require care from a carer.
The fear of falling again can also significantly reduce not only quality of life but also independence, as the risk of falling again increases.
This results in a kind of vicious circle: the fear of falling reduces physical activity, which in turn leads to muscle loss. At the same time, this increases the risk of falling.
Advancing age is of course one of the most important risk factors for falls, both on level ground and on stairs.As we get older, our nerves and brain also age and
balance problems occur more frequently. At the same time, strength and coordination deteriorate more and more. Increasing visual impairment and hearing loss also impair orientation.
It can also happen that the sense of touch in both the legs and feet deteriorates. This can lead to the brain no longer knowing exactly whether you are standing upright or on uneven ground.
If the brain can no longer distinguish this properly, there is an increased risk of falling as it can no longer give the legs the correct command to stand upright.
An important risk factor that should not be ignored is the side effects of medication that can affect the sense of balance. Special care must be taken with antidepressants, prostate medication. Antidiabetics (e.g. insulin), blood pressure medication, painkillers and tranquillisers.
External risk factors are added to this list.
Recognising and eliminating tripping hazards within your own four walls, such as missing handrails, carpet edges, electrical and telephone cables and poor lighting, can significantly reduce the risk of falling.
We will also look at the tips and tricks you can use to minimise the risk of falling.
One of the best ways to prevent falls in old age and to maintain good health is to use your body and keep it moving. Studies show that even very slow walks significantly reduce the risk of premature death. Short walks, gardening, hoovering or a stroll around town can be enough to keep you active and healthy.
A study conducted among 36,000 people in Norway, Sweden, England and the USA shows that continuous stair climbing at home also helps to reduce the risk of falling and maintain health and well-being.
To prevent falls in old age and to maintain your health and well-being, it is therefore important to keep moving for as long as possible. This also significantly increases your quality of life and can minimise an increased risk of falling.
Balance training is a measure that has the greatest effect on preventing falls in older people and can reduce the risk of falling.
More and more municipalities and other organisations are offering courses and regular training programmes for older people. One of the aims is that more people should be able to maintain their health independently and prevent falls in old age.
This delays the need for care, which in turn leads to more independence in everyday life. It may also reduce the fear of falling.
Get in touch with your adult education centre or local sports association and ask about courses for senior citizens, such as senior gymnastics or balance training!
Most falls in old age happen within your own four walls. It is therefore important that your home is adequately lit.
The more your home is lit, the less likely you are to trip over objects that may otherwise be difficult to recognise:
Although carpets are good for maintaining temperature, they can often be a direct cause of falls in the elderly.
It only takes a little lack of attention to get your foot caught under the edge of a rug, which can potentially lead to a fall.
It is therefore recommended to remove all unnecessary carpets and wear slippers indoors to avoid getting cold feet and to be able to move safely on smooth floors.
Stairs are the place in the home where the consequences of a fall are absolutely the highest. Every year, around 600,000 people in Germany are injured by falls on stairs, often leading to serious consequences such as hip or femoral neck fractures.
Fortunately, there are solutions that make it safer and easier to use the stairs in your own home. The TOPRO Step stair assistant developed in Norway is a kind of “stair rollator” that serves as fall protection and supports climbing stairs in your own home.
TOPRO Step information video
To carry out an on-site inspection and receive a quote, make an appointment with us. Once you have accepted the quote, we will carry out the installation, which usually only takes a few hours.
TOPRO Step is TÜV-tested and certified and meets all functional and safety requirements.
TOPRO Step is designed so that it can be easily adapted to your staircase. It can be installed on straight stairs, curved stairs and stairs with a landing.
Ask your health insurance company about the possibility of cost coverage or possible subsidies. Please note that these options are country-specific and individual.
TOPRO Step means TOPRO quality. When you buy a TOPRO Step, you receive a guarantee of up to 5 years.
We measure success by satisfied customers, which is our top priority. We already have over 4,000 satisfied users throughout Europe.
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