Die Treppengehhilfe Nach Sturz Christian Rülcker

Christian Rülcker fell on his stairs at home and now uses the TOPRO Step stair climber to climb stairs safely

The TOPRO Step stair climber provides Christian with additional support after his fall down the stairs because, like many older people, he has difficulties with his balance. He tells us that it was his own fault that he fell down the stairs and that the stairs were not his fault. And in fact, the person affected is often to blame for accidents on the stairs. It is not uncommon for a fall to occur due to a lack of safety awareness or climbing stairs too hastily.

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Barbara Und Ihre Treppenhilfe

How Barbara (68) regained her independence with the TOPRO Step stair climber

Barbara’s story began around three years ago in 2015 when she had one of her knee prostheses replaced. She caught a serious infection and has been battling this multi-resistant germ ever since. Barbara has had a total of ten leg operations in the last three years. Barbara’s most recent operation took place in February 2018 – this time Barbara is finally on the road to recovery. The condition of her leg is improving every day and she is already able to walk and climb stairs slowly but surely. After three years of not being able to walk at all, Barbara now has to gradually rebuild her leg muscles.

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Jan Erik (60) suffered a spinal fracture in 2017 after falling down the stairs – with the TOPRO Step stair climbing aid, he is now more independent again

Jan Erik regained more independence with the TOPRO Step stair climbing aid. On a fatal day in June 2017, exactly what unfortunately happens too often according to the statistics happened. Jan Erik (60) fell at home and landed in such a way that he suffered a partial fracture in his spinal cord. The first few months after the accident were difficult. Jan Erik experienced what it was like to be healthy and fit and suddenly be paralyzed. But thanks to his TOPRO Step stair climbing aid, he has now regained more independence.

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Eldri (84) uses the stair climber after suffering a fractured neck of femur

Eldri suffered a fractured neck of femur after she fell – so it was good that the TOPRO Step stair climber was already installed in her home. Originally, it was her husband Olav who was dependent on the TOPRO Step stair climber. After his rehabilitation and regular training, Olav was finally able to walk again with the help of crutches, but still needed help climbing stairs. For him, the stair climber was a great relief in everyday life, as he suddenly felt freer and more independent again.

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Die Treppengehhilfe Nach Sturz Christian Rülcker

Christian Rülcker fell on his stairs at home and now uses the TOPRO Step stair climber to climb stairs safely

The TOPRO Step stair climber provides Christian with additional support after his fall down the stairs because, like many older people, he has difficulties with his balance. He tells us that it was his own fault that he fell down the stairs and that the stairs were not his fault. And in fact, the person affected is often to blame for accidents on the stairs. It is not uncommon for a fall to occur due to a lack of safety awareness or climbing stairs too hastily.

Barbara Und Ihre Treppenhilfe

How Barbara (68) regained her independence with the TOPRO Step stair climber

Barbara’s story began around three years ago in 2015 when she had one of her knee prostheses replaced. She caught a serious infection and has been battling this multi-resistant germ ever since. Barbara has had a total of ten leg operations in the last three years. Barbara’s most recent operation took place in February 2018 – this time Barbara is finally on the road to recovery. The condition of her leg is improving every day and she is already able to walk and climb stairs slowly but surely. After three years of not being able to walk at all, Barbara now has to gradually rebuild her leg muscles.


Jan Erik (60) suffered a spinal fracture in 2017 after falling down the stairs – with the TOPRO Step stair climbing aid, he is now more independent again

Jan Erik regained more independence with the TOPRO Step stair climbing aid. On a fatal day in June 2017, exactly what unfortunately happens too often according to the statistics happened. Jan Erik (60) fell at home and landed in such a way that he suffered a partial fracture in his spinal cord. The first few months after the accident were difficult. Jan Erik experienced what it was like to be healthy and fit and suddenly be paralyzed. But thanks to his TOPRO Step stair climbing aid, he has now regained more independence.


Eldri (84) uses the stair climber after suffering a fractured neck of femur

Eldri suffered a fractured neck of femur after she fell – so it was good that the TOPRO Step stair climber was already installed in her home. Originally, it was her husband Olav who was dependent on the TOPRO Step stair climber. After his rehabilitation and regular training, Olav was finally able to walk again with the help of crutches, but still needed help climbing stairs. For him, the stair climber was a great relief in everyday life, as he suddenly felt freer and more independent again.


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+47 902 931 00
Monday - Friday
08:00 – 16:00 o'clock.

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+47 902 931 00
Monday - Friday
08:00 – 16:00 o'clock.

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