Eldri (84) uses the stair climber after suffering a fractured neck of femur


Eldri suffered a hip fracture after falling – so it was good that the stair walking aid TOPRO Step was already installed at her home. Originally, it was her husband Olav who relied on the stair walking aid TOPRO Step.

Olav was able to walk with the help of crutches after his rehab and regular training, but still needed help when climbing stairs. The stair walking aid was a great relief for him in everyday life, as he suddenly felt freer and more independent.

Eldri has to go upstairs to knit.

Eldri (84) from near Oslo in Norway has always enjoyed knitting and often sits with her knitting in the living room, which is located on the upper floor of the house. But when she fell and broke her thigh bone, it became extremely difficult for her to climb the stairs.

„It was extremely helpful that we had already installed the TOPRO Step stair walking aid at home, as I did not have to sit downstairs in the dark throughout the entire recovery phase. Especially in winter, it can get dark very early here in Norway. Now I can come up alone into the daylight, where I can see my knitting better while knitting.“

Eldri and her husband received the aid for the stairs to be able to stay in their own home longer.

It was originally Olav, Eldris husband, who had problems climbing stairs. He was in the hospital and had to relearn how to walk.

After his stay in the hospital, an occupational therapist came to their home to assess the living situation and see how Eldris and Olav’s home could be adapted to Olav’s needs. The occupational therapist therefore looked for a range of aids for Eldri and Olav, which should enable the couple to continue living at home.

This was particularly important, as the house of Eldri and Olav is not very practical in layout and the staircase to the upper floor is quite steep. This way, both Eldri and her husband Olav can climb the stairs step by step without having to fear further falls.

„We contacted the occupational therapist in our community who was supposed to adapt our house so that we can continue to live at home. As part of the home adaptation, we also tested stair lifts, but the mechanical stair walking aid TOPRO Step was much better for us and therefore we decided on it. Because with TOPRO Step we can still walk by ourselves and stay active!“

It is important to maintain one’s own walking function, and both Olav and Eldri have so far greatly benefited from the TOPRO Step stair walking aid.

The mechanical stair walking aid TOPRO Step has been phenomenal for us so far. I would never have gotten back on my feet so quickly without the stair walking aid TOPRO Step, that’s why I appreciate it very much and use it daily – also to keep myself moving!

 — Eldri (84)

Eldri and Olav report on TOPRO Step.

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