“Without the TOPRO Step stair climber, my wife and I would no longer be able to sleep upstairs together” – Edmund (77)


Edmund uses the stair walking aid after his stroke. He has lived all his life in one of the typical manor houses (Trønderlån) in the Trøndelag region of Norway, and the last thing he wishes is to have to move. After he and his wife have made the house barrier-free with the help of various aids for stroke patients, such as the stair walking aid TOPRO Step, he is now able to manage everyday life in his own four walls.

Fortunately, I can continue to stay at home – that is very important to me.

 — Edmund (77)

Edmund (77) lives in a typical “TrønderlĂĄn,” a typical manor farm in the Norwegian region of Trøndelag, near a forest area a few kilometers from SnĂĄsa. There is plenty of space between neighbors here, but the desire to stay in his house is strong.

In the past, Edmund used to take long walks with his dogs in the forests and fields. Unfortunately, his health has made this more difficult over time. Edmund suffered a stroke 10 years ago and therefore has difficulties with balance and mobility both inside and outside his house.

„Fortunately, I can continue to live at home – that is very important to me.“

At the time we visited Edmund and his wife, he had been using the TOPRO Step stair walking aid for about a year and praised the stair walking aid highly.

„We had many in the community who came to see the TOPRO Step stair walking aid at our place, as I was the first in Snåsa to install it at home. Since it was installed at our place, there are now more TOPRO Step installations in Snåsa. Thinking about it, I am happy. The TOPRO Step stair walking aid is such a clever and great product!“

The experience that Edmund shares with us is extremely positive. He goes up and down the stairs 3-4 times a day and stays active. Without the TOPRO Step stair aid, he and his wife could no longer sleep together upstairs.

„Without the stair walking aid TOPRO Step on the stairs, it would not have been possible. I have difficulties with balance and that is why it is a great help to have something solid and secure in front of me, especially on the way down.“

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