Falling down the stairs – six young entrepreneurs wanted to do something about it

In Norway, around 50 people die every year from falling down stairs. In addition, around 30,000 people require medical assistance after a hip fracture or other injury. These were the hard facts faced by students at the NTNU School of Entrepreneurship (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in 2012 and 2013. Halvor Wold and his fellow students spent a week studying the subject of falling down stairs and were struck by the extent of it.

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Informationen zur Assistep Treppensteighilfe Kostenübernahme

Stairlift costs | What does a stairlift cost?

With increasing age or due to illness, many people find that climbing stairs in their own home becomes more and more challenging. In this case, the purchase of a stairlift is often the solution. But what does a stairlift cost? In this article, we will look at what a stairlift is and what alternatives for stairlifts exist and at what price.

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What exactly is COPD?

COPD, a disease that is little known to the public, is nevertheless one of the most common lung diseases worldwide. But what exactly is COPD, also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

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Help with climbing stairs – our 5 tips

Help with climbing stairs – Our 5 tips: As we get older, more and more people have difficulty walking and sooner or later find themselves facing their own stairs at home and are afraid to climb them without help. There are many products that can be helpful in this case. In this article you can find out more about help with climbing stairs.

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Hilfsmittel für Senioren - unsere Empfehlungen für Sie

Aids for senior citizens – our recommendations for you

Aids for senior citizens help you to compensate for age-related limitations. Thanks to the large selection, there is a suitable aid for every need. Be it an aid to compensate for physical limitations, care aids or everyday aids.

Aids for senior citizens and our recommendations: Many older people have problems with their walking function. There are many products that can be helpful in this case. In this article, we recommend aids for senior citizens that support you and help you to remain active in everyday life.

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Guide to support when climbing stairs

Whether due to increasing age or an illness – sooner or later, most people have difficulty climbing stairs. That is why we have written this guide on the subject of support when climbing stairs. It will help you to use the stairs safely and independently.

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Knee pain when climbing stairs: What to do?

Many people, especially seniors, suffer from knee pain when climbing stairs. In this article, we will look at the causes and symptoms as well as helpful exercises and aids. In old age, joint diseases or arthrosis are often the cause of knee pain. However, an accident or fall can also be the cause of knee pain when climbing stairs.


Muscle atrophy in old age – what helps?

Our muscles are vital. Because we can only move through our muscles. Muscles are also part of many important processes such as swallowing and breathing. If muscle mass decreases significantly with age, this is referred to as muscle atrophy in old age (also known as sarcopenia).

Ex-Profisportler Dmitri Tschatschin trainiert mit der Treppensteighilfe

TOPRO Step in rehabilitation: Get back on the stairs faster. Be independent again more quickly.

TOPRO Step in rehabilitation. Neuroscience can now prove that rehabilitation is all the more successful the earlier mobilization is started. Another point that should not be overlooked is the fact that therapy now attempts to allow patients to participate in normal life and everyday activities at an early stage, because we humans are social beings. This is therefore essential for rapid rehabilitation.

Treppensteighilfe TOPRO Step - Nutzung treppauf

Climbing stairs safely with the stair grip

Do you need additional support when climbing stairs? Get to know the unique TOPRO Step stair grab bar that offers you safety and support. The TOPRO Step stairgrip consists of a modern and discreet grab rail coupled with a unique, first-class stainless steel handrail system.

Frau nutzt assistep Treppenhilfen

Avoiding falls? – Important measures to prevent falls

Fall prevention: Falls are one of the most common causes of accidents in Germany. Every year, more than 600,000 people fall in Germany. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 12,867 people died from a fall in 2015 alone.

Particularly as people get older, they often suffer serious injuries. The German Medical Association North Rhine estimates that around 80 percent of all over-80s and around 30 percent of all over-65s fall at home every year.


Stairlift – What alternatives are there?

People with reduced mobility who have difficulty climbing stairs due to age or a particular illness, for example, have a wide range of possible solutions and products to choose from. Until now, the stairlift has been one of the most common solutions apart from expensive renovations or a move to a retirement or nursing home. In this article, we will take a closer look at why a stairlift is not always the best solution for you and what you need to consider when buying a stairlift.


Stairlift prices and price ranges 2023

With increasing age or for people in need of care, sooner or later the question arises of what happens if you can no longer climb the stairs in your own home independently. Should you wait until the time comes or take the precaution of adapting your living space before it’s too late?


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