Aids for senior citizens – our recommendations for you

Aids for seniors help you to compensate for age-related limitations. With a wide selection, there is a suitable aid for every need, whether it’s a tool to compensate for physical limitations, nursing aids, or everyday aids. Aids for seniors and our recommendations: Many older people have problems with walking. There are many products that can be helpful in this case. In this article, we recommend aids for seniors that can support you and help you stay active in everyday life. It is important to distinguish between aids and care aids. Aids are usually classified as medically necessary and prescribed by a doctor. A care aid, on the other hand, is defined as a supportive measure that facilitates or even enables home care.



Aid with dual function

Sometimes a tool cannot be clearly and distinctly classified into the correct category, as the tool both compensates for a disability and at the same time facilitates care. In this case, one speaks of a dual-functional tool. In this case, your health and care insurance usually share the costs of the tool. The cost coverage is then internally coordinated in this case.

Type of aid: Functions, examples, requirements and cost bearers

Everyday aids for seniors

Des Weiteren gibt es sogenannte Alltagshilfen, die zur Unterstützung von Senioren oder pflegebedürftigen Menschen bei der Bewältigung alltäglicher Aufgaben dienen. Haben Sie vom Arzt ein Rezept dafür, bezahlt die Krankenkasse für die Alltagshilfe. Liegt kein Rezept vor kommen Sie oder Ihre Angehörigen selbst dafür auf.

Übernimmt die Krankenkasse die Kosten nicht, können Sie einen Zuschuss bei der Pflegekasse beantragen. Dieser Zuschuss nennt sich Zuschuss zur Verbesserung des Wohnumfeldes. Voraussetzung dafür ist eine Pflegebedürftigkeit. Haben Sie einen anerkanntem Pflegegrad, so haben Sie neben diesen Hilfsmitteln zusätzlich Anspruch auf spezielle Pflegehilfsmittel, die die häusliche Pflege erleichtern. Dies können z. B. Liftlösungen, wie beispielsweise ein Lift oder eine Treppensteighilfe, Notrufsysteme oder auch zum Verbrauch bestimmte Pflegehilfsmittel (beispielsweise Hygieneprodukte) sein. Je nach Art des Hilfsmittel übernimmt die Pflegekasse einen Teil der Kosten.

Difficulties with walking function

There are many people who face certain challenges as they age. Whether it be due to physical limitations due to age or due to a diagnosis. In addition, about 1/3 of all 65-year-olds experience at least one fall per year. Of those who fall, half are exposed to repeated falls, about 5% of which result in an injury.

This is not caused by a single factor, but usually by a combination of several factors. Increasing age, disability due to a stroke or other diagnoses, and certain environmental factors. Examples of these factors can include a smooth surface, thresholds, or objects on the floor or stairs.

Therefore, it is good to know what aids are available for seniors. Aids that make it easier to stay active, help prevent falls, and allow you to continue living in your own home.

We know that exercise is good for the body and health. Physical activity prevents dementia and many other health problems. Research shows that exercise can actually play a key role in enabling older people to live a healthy life.

The health benefits of physical activity are diverse, such as preventing diseases and injuries as well as improving mental health. However, this does not have to be the goal of the training itself. For many, the enjoyment of the activity together with others is the greatest driving force. This experience enhances quality of life and improves health.

We therefore recommend that the aids for seniors keep you as active as possible. This way, you can remain active and participate in social activities. This also helps maintain walking function and quality of life. However, not all aids are good for the body and health.

Research has shown that the use of some aids hinders the health of older people more than it promotes. Therefore, it is important to find the right aids that help you to overcome the challenges you encounter in everyday life.

Suggestions from us if you have difficulties with your walking function



Crutches are particularly beneficial for those who only need a little support when walking, especially during rehabilitation. Many people use crutches after a hip fracture, for example, where rehabilitation usually proves very effective.
During rehabilitation, it is important that you take responsibility for doing exactly what is important to regain control of your body. This is done in co-operation with physiotherapists and occupational therapists who will help you to find the right methods. They will also motivate you to use your body.

There are many different types of crutches. It is important that you find crutches that are comfortable for you and that can support you for a long time. It is advisable to opt for crutches that are height-adjustable, cushioned and padded.
There are crutches that allow you to support yourself on your forearm, armpit or wrist. There are also crutches on which you can rest your knee or shin so that you have your arms and hands free.
In any case, it is advisable to seek advice from your therapist to find out what works best for you.

And last but not least: don’t forget the ice claws for your crutches and spikes for your shoes in icy conditions to avoid falling on ice!


TOPRO Hestia Rollator
TOPRO Troja 5G
You see a lot of rollators on the streets – and for good reason! Rollators provide support for long or short journeys. You can sit on the rollator for a short rest or you can use it to transport your shopping home. The rollator can also be used both outdoors and indoors at home and is an excellent way to remain active if you have restricted mobility. You can activate the brake at any time so that you can support yourself without the rollator rolling away. If you need a rollator, you should think about what factors are important to you, as there are a variety of options. For example, do you need a folding rollator that you can load into the car? Is it important to have a rollator with a bag or tray so that you can carry shopping and other items? Do you need a light and a bell when you’re whizzing through the streets? There is a wide range of accessories and equipment for rollators. It is therefore a good idea to think about what might be useful for you and make the right choice based on this. With a rollator, it’s easier to get out and about and continue to take part in social activities without your mobility restrictions holding you back.

TOPRO Step stair assistant

TOPRO Step stair assistant
TOPRO Step stair assistant
If you have a staircase in your home, you can use the TOPRO Step stair climbing aid. TOPRO Step is a stair climbing aid with a handle that moves along the rail system. TOPRO Step provides support and safety when climbing stairs, allowing you to climb the stairs at your own pace. This is a great way to make your own home barrier-free, so you don’t have to limit yourself to one floor or install a stairlift. Choosing safe solutions that also contribute to activity and movement in your own home has great health benefits. Did you know, for example, that physical activity protects against dementia?

TOPRO Step Informationvideo

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