Stairlift – Why consider an alternative?

People who have difficulty climbing stairs at home can find many solutions to this problem. The purchase of a stairlift has been one of the most common solutions to date. In this article, we will therefore look at why a stairlift is not always the best solution. And what you need to consider when buying a suitable stairlift.

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3 tips on stair safety for senior citizens

Every year, around 600,000 people in Germany alone visit the emergency room due to falling accidents, according to the Federal Statistical Office. These falls can happen both in the home and in public buildings or outdoors. Falling on stairs can have dramatic consequences, such as hip fractures or femoral neck fractures. In this article, we will explore various options for making stair climbing safer.

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Stair climbing aid makes your daily life easier [Norwegian trade journal Ergoterapeuten issue 2 – 2017]

Easier everyday life with a stair climbing aid. Tommy Jørstad found the stairs a major obstacle to his daily life. His balance was poor and his knees were in danger of giving out. But with the bedroom and bathroom on the 2nd floor, the stairs have to be negotiated several times a day. “I was simply afraid to use the stairs,” Tommy Jørstad tells us in his living room. (This is a translation based on an article by Anne-Lise Aakervik, originally published in Ergoterapeuten 2nd edition 2017).

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Torstein climbs the stairs with the stair climbing aid at the Lamartunet Rehabilitation Center

The stair climbing aid has now been installed at the Lamarktunet rehabilitation and retirement center for a one-year trial period. Torstein Lien is 91 years old and now somewhat unsteady on his feet. But now he has the opportunity to practise climbing stairs independently. (This is a translation based on an article by Trond K. Johansen, originally published in Bladet Vesterålen on July 11, 2018)


When parents get old – what now?

When parents grow old, adult children often find themselves in a situation in which they have to deal with many difficult decisions and questions. Many people shy away from discussing these issues with their parents and ultimately making the right decisions. Children are often afraid that their parents will not want to acknowledge their own ageing.


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