Peder was born with CP and so far needed help and support from an adult when climbing stairs. With the mechanical stair climbing aid TOPRO Step, he managed to go up the stairs all by himself the first time he tried it.
Infantile cerebral palsy (CP) is a collective term for a range of conditions with altered motor function and is based on damage to the early childhood brain (up to the age of 2 years).
An important criterion for the diagnosis is that the brain damage does not worsen, but is static (non-progressive). The severity diagnosed depends on the size and location of the damage. Out of 1000 born children, approximately 2-3 children have or develop CP.
In general, the entire body of CP patients is affected by the movement disorder. Sometimes predominantly one side of the body or both legs, less frequently predominantly one arm or one leg. The degree of movement disorder can vary greatly depending on the severity and duration of oxygen deprivation.
In the most severe cases, both standing and walking, and often even sitting and using the hands, are not possible or at least greatly impaired.
In less severe cases, the movement disorder is evident in activities that require general mobility and balance, and in skills such as writing, drawing, or manual dexterity.